Outstanding publications: From Hausdorff and Viola Jones up to Deep Learning
I recommend to use Google Scholar to research face detection publications. Just search for "face detection" and enjoy millions of publication links! (As of March 2015: over 2.880.000 now!)
- The Face Detection Algorithm Set to Revolutionize Image Search Very nice article from MIT Technology Review about what happened to facedetection. Starting from Viola/Jones in 2001 up to the latest breakthroughs using deep learning methods.
- Comparative Testing of Face Detection Algorithms Nikolay Degtyarev and Oleg Seredin, Tula State University. The original publication is available at springerlink
- A Survey of Recent Advances in Face Detection Cha Zhang and Zhengyou Zhang, Microsoft Research. A great examination of Viola/Jones and consequential research.
Viola Jones 2001-2004:
This was a major breakthrough in face detection technology. Paul Viola and Michael Jones showed how a huge cascade of simple classifiers can yield impressive results using Adaboost training. Their algorithm was implemented in the OpenCV Framework and was probably the most widely spread technique for locating faces since then. Their work made it onto Wikipedia.
Some articles in 2002:
General important publications:
- Some older material from the CMU Neural Network based work.
- The following section offers publications for free download. All papers presented here are either not available for download anywhere else, or are at least very hard to find. Everyone who wants to contribute to this collection can send the publications to my email address.
- Principal Components Analysis, Neural Networks and Estimation: an Application to Face Detection. R. Feraud, NATO ASI Series, Springer-Verlag, Face Recognition: From Theory to Applications, Vol 163, pages 424-432, 1998. zipped postscript
- Ensemble and Modular Approaches for Face Detection: a Comparison. R.Feraud and O. Bernier, Ensemble and Modular Approaches for Face Detection: a Comparison, Neural Information Processing System 10, pages 472-478, 1997. zipped postscript
How to search for new articles on finding faces? Well, here a few selected special search engines for scientific publications etc. are listed: